How Much Will Your Social Security Benefit Be?
Understanding your social security benefit is a huge part of being prepared for retirement, and even the young generation should understand what they can expect to receive from social security. It can be very confusing as there are many different rules and variables that go into the equation of estimating your social security benefit. Basics…
Understanding your Social Security Benefit for Young and Old
Understanding your social security benefit is a huge part of being prepared for retirement, and even the young generation should understand what they can expect to receive from social security. It can be very confusing as there are many different rules and variables that go into the equation of estimating your social security benefit. Basics…
Why you Need Disability Insurance
As I grow older and now that I have a child, I am becoming more aware of the importance of insurance, and especially disability insurance. It is not a very talked about thing, in fact, I had never really heard of it until a few years ago. So here is a good Google definition of…
Why Your Retirement Dollars Might Fall Short
Subscribe to our weekly blog Predicting the future is a rough sort of business to find yourself in, especially with a world that’s been changing more and more rapidly with every passing day. Unfortunately a lot of people planning for retirement find themselves having to do this very thing, having to try and figure out what directions the…
How to Maximize Your Social Security Benefit
Subscribe to our weekly blog You have worked hard and are finally ready to enjoy your golden years aka retirement. And yes, you have also planned and saved for these future retirement years. Maybe you planned many years ago or maybe you planned just recently; but either way, you probably factored in the boost offered…
5 Basic Tips for Creating a Solid Retirement Plan
We all know what the retirement picture is supposed to look like. We spend our whole life working toward that magical retirement age when your golden years begin–the hobbies, the travel, spending time with your grandchildren. However, with a rocky economy and volatility in the markets your picture might not be so clear. Consider these…
Five Essentials for Early Retirement Planning
Who wouldn’t want to retire early and pursue their own goals and desires? The problem is that without sensible retirement planning it can be difficult to save up enough to retire at 65 and even harder to get to that point early. To help, here are five things you can do to help get yourself there…
Keys to Maximizing Your Social Security Benefit
You have worked hard all of your life. You have raised a beautiful family that you are proud of, and you and your spouse are finally ready to enjoy your golden years together. And yes, you have also planned and saved for these future retirement years. Maybe you planned many years ago or maybe you…
Guide to a Baby Boomers Retirement
The ripe age of 65 is no longer a valid number for those planning their retirement. As more and more baby boomers reach this age, demographers and researchers are skeptical as to just how long they will live. Not only does this uncertainty have effects on a national level, as to the cost of Medicare…
Retirement Planning Basics: Investment Accounts
Planning your investments to build a retirement fund can be a dizzying prospect. The various questions and options and details and accounts and amounts are enough to make anyone’s head spin. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a generic recipe for success? A nice neat list of step by step instructions on how to…