Category: Taxes

  • Tax Time IRA Answers

    Let’s take down the age old question of “Should I invest in a Roth IRA or a Traditional IRA?”   Before I jump into this, you must know that neither one is a bad choice, and it all depends on your situation and goals.  Both accounts are considered “Qualified Accounts”, meaning they have tax advantages over…

  • Retirement Planning Basics: Investment Accounts

    Planning your investments to build a retirement fund can be a dizzying prospect. The various questions and options and details and accounts and amounts are enough to make anyone’s head spin. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a generic recipe for success? A nice neat list of step by step instructions on how to…

  • MyRA:Obama’s New Retirement Plan

    The new idea of the MyRA is similar to a Roth IRA, but with only one investment option, the US Government. There is obviously some diversification red flags that come up with these accounts as well as a few others. Here is more basic information on what a MyRA is from a article on Yahoo…

  • Retirement Destinations- Things to Consider

    Retirement brings about a lot of freedom for retirees. One of those freedoms that many people quickly take advantage of is the freedom of geography, the ability to relocate to wherever they’d like. Many people have dreamed of a certain destination for years, while others may still be searching for that perfect spot. Whether your…

  • What’s Even Better than Index Funds?

    Dan Solin helps us to understand first of all why index funds are better than actively traded funds. Then he goes on to explain why there is an even better way to invest than index funds. We call it institutional funds, he calls it passive asset class investing. Here is part of the article he…

  • 4 Tips for Deducting Charitable Donations from Your Taxes

    Even though the U.S. is steadily rebounding from the recession, times are still tough. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is still hovering around 7%. And the gap between the poverty line and the middle class continues to widen. It can be a stretch for households to donate to the less…

  • 2013 Tax Changes

    As some of you may or may not be aware, this year there are a number of tax changes slated to take effect. While none of the changes appear to be drastic or altogether too grave in nature, it’s important to take note of how they’re going to affect you, your loved ones, and your…