Category: Free Market Strategy

  • The Results are in on Market Timing

    For first-time investors, putting money into the stock market may seem like quite an intimidating task. You may be asking yourself, what happens if you put money in at the wrong time? How do you know when to take money out or switch to safer investments? While at first glance it may seem, in order…

  • First Quarter Market Recap

    The first quarter of 2015 saw continued gains in most areas.  The S&P 500 (U.S Large) Index rose 0.95% for the quarter, posting its 9th quarter in a row of gains.  A broader defined U.S. stock market fund which includes small and value stocks returned 1.61%. (Matson Money U.S Equity Fund) Fixed income was in…

  • Why you Need to Read “Main Street Money”

    If you have not read the book Main Street Money yet, here is a brief into explaining why Mark Matson wrote this book and how it can help you to receive investing peace of mind.  The following is a direct quote from the introduction to the book, “Main Street Money”.1. “Chances are you’re one of the 95…

  • Stock Picking or Gambling?

    There are so many unknown variables when picking individual stocks (literally trillions), that is why it is impossible to consistently guess which ones are going to go up or when they are going to go down. Stock picking is not only a dangerous activity for you to be involved in as an individual investor, but…

  • Seven Questions to Ask Before Investing

    Subscribe to our weekly blog We have all heard of the seven deadly sins, things that you should never do or you risk the harshest of punishments. But many people don’t know about the seven deadly questions, involving your investments. There are seven questions that one must answer before beginning to have peace of mind…

  • Why Should you be Invested Internationally?

    Today I would like to tackle the answer to the question, why should I be invested internationally?  This question has been asked by investors more frequently after the horrible year international stocks had in 2014.  So lets look at the data and see if there is any reason to keep international stocks in your portfolio.…

  • Main Street Money Quotes

    I hate to get personal on the investing blog, but things have been crazy around our office.  My wife just had our first baby a week ago, and we have a business trip to Scottsdale all week.  For the blog, I have decided to keep it short and post some quotes from Mark Matson, Founder…

  • 2014 Returns: The Market is Up and I am Not

    Statements are out and there is a lot of confusion about why account values are flat for the year when it seems the market was up.  Matson Money sends out a market update with each quarterly statement and there is some great explanation of this in it. Matson Quarterly Report “In 2014 investors have been…

  • What are the Hidden Fees associated with Annuities?

    It’s not that there’s anything wrong with an investor paying fees for certain investments in their portfolio, but when it comes to annuities the key is ‘transparency,’ notes the WSJ’s article on getting to the bottom of hidden annuity fees. What are some of the fees carried by a popular annuity choice among investors, namely…

  • Millennials and Their Money: 3 Tips for Overcoming Investing Fears

    When it comes to Millennials and their money, most Americans ages 18 to 29 would rather sit on a boat load of cash. They have a sinking feeling that investing in the stock market is like boarding the Titanic. According to a recent study cited by a recent The Street article, younger people prefer…