Category: Free Market Efficient Portfolios

  • Rebalancing: Why It’s So Important

    As we passed the second quarter of 2024, our clients’ portfolios were reviewed for rebalancing. But what does rebalancing an account entail and why is that so important? Investopedia explains that rebalancing “involves periodically buying or selling assets in your portfolio to maintain your original desired level of asset allocation.” Here are the two main…

  • 2022 Investment Market Recap

    It’s clear that 2022 was a significant negative year for US and world markets. The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Russell 2000 had annual losses of 18.44%, 8.78%, and 20.44% respectively. We haven’t seen steeper declines since the recession of 2008. Tech stocks were some of the hardest hit. The Nasdaq, which measures…

  • Cryptocurrency: Are you missing out?

    Cryptocurrency: Are you missing out?

    Do you suffer from FOMO?  FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out.  Just about everyone suffers from this in one way or another.  Bitcoin and Dogecoin, among other cryptocurrencies have become household words and their popularity is exploding. So what is cryptocurrency, and is it something you should invest in? What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is…

  • Short Selling, Stock Picking, and GameStop

    At this point most everyone has heard of the craziness surrounding GameStop stock over the last few weeks.  There are several things we can learn from the madness.  First I will try to explain as simply as possible, what actually happened. Retail stock market traders banded together in the Reddit forum “WallStreetBets” and decided to…

  • Large Stocks vs Small Stocks: Does the Last 3 Years Change Things?

    Looking back at the last few years, small stocks have been under performing by a big margin compared to large stocks.   Is this just a short term fad or is this a bandwagon that you need to jump on? The S&P 500 is a grouping of the 500 largest companies in America.  It is a…

  • Now is the Time to Rebalance your Investments

    With the big drop in the stock market last month, this is the best time to rebalance your investment portfolio. Today we are going to discuss the topic of Rebalancing your portfolio and why it is so important.  I will explain to you how a continuously rebalanced portfolio is one that is constantly buying low…

  • Did You Learn from the Crash of 2008?

    Many investors and young potential investors are still scared out of their minds because of what happened to a lot of innocent investors in 2008.  I have heard a few horror stories of people who supposedly lost all of their retirement money because of the crash.  Many young professionals are scared of the stock market…

  • How to Pick the Best Stocks

    You think you can pick winning stocks consistently, and I’m here to tell you that you can’t. But even if I cannot convince you that you can’t pick stocks, I hope to at least convince you that it is not in your best interest to try. We look at examples like Warren Buffet and see…

  • Is your Investment Advisor a Bully?

    Wall Street Bullies are not just found in New York City, they are found in investment brokerages throughout the country.  In fact, your investment guy, might just be a wall street bully. I explain a Wall Street Bully as an individual or institution that uses fear, greed, intimidation, and misleading information to get an investor…

  • Are you using Modern Portfolio Theory in your Investing?

    Many people are scared of investing in stocks because they have heard that they are very risky.  Then on the other hand you have people who take investing risks that they don’t need to take in order to try to get a higher return.  Well today I hope to answer some questions for people on…