Category: Estate Planning

  • Is a Roth Conversion Right For You?

    Many people are taking advantage of the tax benefits that come along with Roth accounts.  No matter what your income or tax status is, you can take advantage as well. What is a Roth Conversion? A Roth conversion is when you convert a pre-tax account (Traditional IRA, 401k, 403B) to a Roth IRA.   By doing…

  • Estate Planning and Investing for Retiring Baby Boomers

    Some baby boomers are skeptical about the stock market after being burned during the downturn 2008/2009. Now that the stock market has been booming for several years, it may be time to consider a financial planner who understands estate planning and investing as you close in on retirement. Having a will set up and assigning a…

  • Tax Time IRA Answers

    Let’s take down the age old question of “Should I invest in a Roth IRA or a Traditional IRA?”   Before I jump into this, you must know that neither one is a bad choice, and it all depends on your situation and goals.  Both accounts are considered “Qualified Accounts”, meaning they have tax advantages over…

  • 3 Things to Consider When Preparing Your Will

    A death in the family is traumatic and stressful, and something which all affected must come to terms with in their own way and in their own time. Unfortunately, it’s also usually the time during which emotions are running at their highest when family members need to come together and agree. In this ‘perfect storm’…