Category: budgeting

  • How to Become an Entrepreneur

    Everyone wants to be their own boss, make the rules, stop living under the proverbial “man,” but it can be a scary plunge to take. Owning your own business requires financial responsibility and risk that many people aren’t willing to take on, but if you are up for the challenge and are going to chase…

  • 5 Mistakes DIY Investors Make

    With the proliferation of the Internet and continued expansion of online investment tools, the role of an Investment Advisor is now of crucial importance. Personal investors have access to more information than they ever have before, but wading through the data to find that path to success and discipline still requires the eye of a trained…

  • Investing in a Roth as Part of College Education Planning

    A Roth IRA can be a smart way to save for a child’s education or fund continuing education classes. However, the key is to maintain the right amount of risk depending on when the money will be used for college expenses. Education Planning doesn’t have to be complicated, especially with the guidance of a respected…

  • Five Essentials for Early Retirement Planning

    Who wouldn’t want to retire early and pursue their own goals and desires? The problem is that without sensible retirement planning it can be difficult to save up enough to retire at 65 and even harder to get to that point early. To help, here are five things you can do to help get yourself there…

  • Estate Planning and Investing for Retiring Baby Boomers

    Some baby boomers are skeptical about the stock market after being burned during the downturn 2008/2009. Now that the stock market has been booming for several years, it may be time to consider a financial planner who understands estate planning and investing as you close in on retirement. Having a will set up and assigning a…

  • How Can E-Money Save you Time?

    Budgeting can be very time consuming and tedious which is why most people don’t do it.  Today we are going to discuss online budgeting/financial software and how it can help to make your financial picture much more clear and save you oodles of time.   You might have heard of, which is one of…

  • 5 Money Saving Strategies to Avoid

    We’ve all done it. Spent more than we wanted to all in an effort to get a great deal. With all the offers floating around promising to help you save money, here are 5 to avoid: 1. Buying in bulk. While buying in bulk can be a cost-effective budgeting strategy, often consumers end up buying…