Matson On Dysfunction Loves Secrecy
Most of us have been taught that investing is a solitary experience; that what we do is we go and meet with our financial planner or our financial advisor, and don’t talk about money with others, don’t share what is going on, and certainly don’t share your fear, or your apprehension, or your goals, or…
Wednesday Wisdom from Main Street Money
Matson On The Financial Media They need readers and viewers to sell advertising. It is all about profits and the way to keep you watching and reading is to tap in your emotions, instincts, and perception biases. They magnify the urge to speculate and gamble. Many of them believe it is their job to help…
Wednesday Wisdom from Main Street Money
Matson On Necessary Lie Syndrome A necessary lie is a lie we tell ourselves just before we engage in unhealthy or dysfunctional behavior. For speculation masquerading as investing, it is, “This time is different. I really do know what is going to happen this time.” You can probably think of a time in your life…
Wednesday Wisdom from Main Street Money
Matson On Market Bubbles Losing money in bubbles is not just something that happens to “dumb” people or “other people.” It can happen to the most brilliant of people, it can happen to you, and maybe it has in the past, and it can literally destroy your life savings. No one knows where the next…
Wednesday Wisdom from Main Street Money
Matson On Facilitators It’s my belief that financial advisors don’t want to upend the gravy boat, and thus tend to tell clients what they want to hear. Instead of helping you fight your instincts, emotions, and perception biases, they inadvertently use them against you. There is good news and bad news in that scenario. The…
Elections Impact on the Market
Now that the election is over, investors are wondering what the future has in store for their portfolios. The reality is that while elections may have short term impacts on the markets, over the long run, the impact is minimal. A Free Market System is based on capitalism, which always finds a way to thrive.…
Words of Wisdom from Main Street Money
Becoming a Seasoned Investor Seasoned in my mind, means several things, such as: Being able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure. Being able to bear up under hard times. to be competent with a skill or ability. When you are seasoned, you can see the truth about a situation. You are not naive. Naive…
How to Prepare your Portfolio for the Unknown
Unless you’ve been living under a rock since New Year’s Day, you should be well aware of the tumultuous events that have been taking place around the world – the disaster in Japan and the uproar in the Middle East and North Africa are just a few global measures that are causing economic changes around…
Key Investment Questions
Seven Questions to Ask Before Investing: We have all heard of the seven deadly sins, things that you should never do or you risk the harshest of punishments. But many people don’t know about the seven deadly questions, involving your investments. There are seven questions that one must answer before dropping a dime on investments,…
Planning for the Retirement Dream
Many of us picture our retirement years spent enjoying life without working, but have you planned for everything? Will you be able to live the golden years as you envision them? Here are some unexpected and often underestimated expenses and tips to consider when planning for the golden years. 1. Medical expense:. How long do…