Author: adminpro

  • 2013 Tax Changes

    As some of you may or may not be aware, this year there are a number of tax changes slated to take effect. While none of the changes appear to be drastic or altogether too grave in nature, it’s important to take note of how they’re going to affect you, your loved ones, and your…

  • Obama Care and Small Business

    At times, it seems like it’s been forever since the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—more commonly known as Obamacare—was signed into law; the president’s flagship legislation raised a few eyebrows when it was first announced, and has been embattled ever since. As it stands, the Affordable Care Act is being implemented in phases, so we may…

  • Dan Solin “Learning From Brazil”

    This is a very interesting article from Dan Solin on the investors take on what has happened in Brazil. “Let’s take a journey back in time to 2005. Your broker calls you with exciting news. His firm has just issued a comprehensive report concluding that Brazil is likely to become one of the fastest-growing economies…

  • A Brief History of Money

    As credit and debit cards gradually take over the sphere of purchasing, money becomes less and less a physical thing. Whereas a decade ago satirists were drawing images of moguls swimming in a sea of bills, this satire is shifting to illustrate these same moguls now depositing checks with too many zeroes into overseas bank…

  • “Experience Counts Except When Selecting Mutual Funds” Dan Solin

    This is a recent article from Dan Solin. He is right on! “Who can quarrel with the value of experience? We want to be sure our doctors are well experienced in treating our illness, and we want to fly with pilots who have experience in the cockpit. Most people would prefer an experienced travel guide.…

  • “Main Street Money” Summary

    Here is a small clip summary of Mark Matson’s book “Main Street Money” “You may not know me – but I know you. Or, at least, I know of most of you. Chances are you’re one of the 95 percent of Americans who are destined to retire broke. It’s not really your fault. Goodness knows…

  • How To Financially Prepare for Entrepreneurship

    Everyone wants to be their own boss, make the rules, stop living under the proverbial “man,” but it can be a scary plunge to take. Owning your own business requires financial responsibility and risk that many people aren’t willing to take on, but if you are up for the challenge and are going to chase…

  • Market Timing: Risk vs. Reward

    For first-time investors, putting money into the stock market may seem like an intimidating task. You may be asking yourself, what happens if you put your money in at the wrong time? How do you know when to take money out or switch to treasury bills? While at first glance it may seem, in order…

  • Pitfalls of Personal Investing

    With the proliferation of the Internet and continued expansion of online investment tools, the role of a certified investment advisor is now of crucial importance. Personal investors have access to more information than they ever have before, but wading through the data to find that path to success still requires the eye of a trained…

  • Realistic Retirement

    Realistic Retirement: Leveraging expectations with reality. Our culture builds a certain degree of optimism around the concept of retirement—people always ‘can’t wait until they can retire’ and it’s a constant goal to be financially stable enough to do so. A lot of recent and near-future retirees go into retirement with something of an impossible idealism…