Tag: Idaho Falls Investing

  • Stock Market Recap after the First Quarter

    From what you heard on news you might think the stock market had a horrible first quarter.  With 3 individual trading days that had very large drops, that seemed to be the big news in the stock market.  But in reality the market didn’t really do too bad in the first quarter.  The following is…

  • Elections Impact on the Stock Market

    It seems to be all anyone can talk about for the last few months.  This is a very strange election year with crazy headlines and stories to go along with it.  So we have gotten the question “How will the presidential election effect the market?” just about every day.   For questions like this I am…

  • Market Timing: Winners and Losers

    Wall Street wins and investors lose every time market timing is done.  So what is market timing and are you losing returns because your money manager is doing it?  Or even worse, have you been caught doing it all on your own? According to Investopedia, market timing is “The act of attempting to predict the…