Tag: 403b

  • Retirement Planning Basics: Investment Accounts

    Planning your investments to build a retirement fund can be a dizzying prospect. The various questions and options and details and accounts and amounts are enough to make anyone’s head spin. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a generic recipe for success? A nice neat list of step by step instructions on how to…

  • Elections Impact on the Market

    Now that the election is over, investors are wondering what the future has in store for their portfolios. The reality is that while elections may have short term impacts on the markets, over the long run, the impact is minimal. A Free Market System is based on capitalism, which always finds a way to thrive.…

  • IRAs/401(k)s/403(b)s

    Could An IRA, 401(k), Or Any Other Qualified Plan Be Your Only Retirement Savings Solution? Absolutely not, here is the problem… The money in your IRA/401(k) or other qualified plans is not all yours!  As much as 40% of it (maybe more) belongs to the government because your invested money is ONLY tax-DEFERRED, not tax-EXEMPT. …

  • Five Basic Tips for Creating a Solid Retirement Plan

    We all know what the retirement picture is supposed to look like.  We spend our whole life working toward that magical retirement age when your golden years begin–the hobbies, the travel, spending time with your grandchildren.  However, with a rocky economy and volatility in the markets your picture might not be so clear. Consider these…